Halloween safety tips
Halloween parties can be exciting, but there are many things you must remember to keep yourself and your friends safe. Keeping a clear head and having plans in place will help you make better decisions in the long run.
Know where you’re going and who you’re going with
If you are celebrating by going to a party or event, have a clear understanding of where you are and who you will be leaving with. Try to find people you feel comfortable around, and make sure to let someone trustworthy know the address of where you will be. Make sure you know who you will be leaving with before you get to the event, and have a backup ride, just in case. Watch out for your friends as well, and check to make sure they have a safe ride home.
Food and drinks
Don’t accept food or drinks from people you don’t know. Don’t leave your food or drinks unattended, even for a brief period of time.
Plan for the worst
If you are around people you trust and you make smart choices, it is unlikely you will need to worry. However, it is always a good idea to make sure you have plans if something goes wrong. Before the event, talk to your group about having a signal that means “I am uncomfortable, we should leave as soon as possible.” This could be anything from a peace sign to a tug of the ear.
You should also plan for situations where you will need to say no to people. If someone is encouraging you to do something that could harm you, try using excuses, suggesting another activity, or just outright saying no. Use something that works for you, such as “I have practice in the morning and I really should get going.”
Other good practices
- Let a trusted adult know where you’re going and any plans. If you have a clear conversation and indicate your plans, it will help to ease worries for both you and your adult.
- Make sure your phone is charged and bring a power bank or cord if necessary.
- Consider using the “buddy system” if you plan on being separated from your group. Throughout the night, check in with your “buddy.”
- If you’re wearing a costume make sure you are able to move and see in it. You should not feel restricted or uncomfortable.
Stay home
Finally, there’s no shame in staying home. If you’d rather watch a movie, pass out candy, or even trick-or-treat, that’s totally okay! Don’t let anyone make you feel obligated to do something that won’t be fun for you.
Stay safe, and Happy Halloween!

Arieis “A” Feldpausch is a senior. This is her third year on staff. In her free time, Arieis enjoys indie folk music (specifically The Mountain Goats),...