Creative Writing club allows all high school students to join regardless of their writing ability. Meetings are meant to foster creativity by offering writing prompts. The club also offers academic writing help, as well. Members of the club are able to bring writing pieces from their classes and ask for help or feedback on their papers.
This club is looking to develop a love of writing amongst its members and give students an opportunity to write creatively, something they may not get to do a lot in their English classes. Creative Writing club wants students to have fun and remove the pressure from writing.
It doesn’t have a lot of time commitments and allows you to make friends and meet different types of students who participate. Creative writing club allows students to join at any point during the school year and is held every other Thursday from 2:45 to 3:30 p.m. in room 213. If you have any questions you can contact sponsor, Lori Harrow, at her email: [email protected].