Donating Smiles: Wish Week Rundown

Photo via Make-A-Wish Foundation Michigan
Wish Week 2023 is upon us! The school typically hosts one Wish Week per year, where students can help donate to the Make-A-Wish Foundation through a variety of activities, as well as dressing for each day’s theme.
The Make-A-Wish Foundation is a non-profit organization whose mission is to grant the wishes of children suffering from critical illnesses. These children often lack the resources or ability to see these wishes happen, and so the foundation uses donations and volunteers to make these dreams a reality.
These wishes are more than just a nice event in an otherwise difficult life. Studies conducted by the Make-A-Wish Foundation show that these wishes can help kids build up the courage to go through difficult medical treatments, as well as keep a smile during tough times. It’s not just the kids that benefit either; many of their parents feel like they are able to be optimistic and hopeful once again.
Students can help this cause by participating in the events of Wish Week, as well as dressing accordingly to each day’s theme, which are the following:
All Week
During second hour, students will be allowed to purchase stars for $1 each. The class with the most stars purchased at the end of the week will win a party. Students can also purchase Wildcat Wishes. On these tickets, students can write their preferred item from the wish list. On Friday, they’ll have a chance to receive one of these items during one of their classes, with 10 of each item chosen being delivered per hour. Tickets come in at $1 each, or $5 for 7 tickets.
Theme: Groutfit
Event: Students can pay $10 to miss their first hour class and participate in an unlimited pancake breakfast.
Theme: “Blue Out.”
Event: Students can pay $3 to throw a pie at a teacher! Students can also pay $5 to do so from closer up. This year, the new superintendent, Mr. Mainka will be participating too.
Theme: “Wild West.”
Event: Students are encouraged to bring their loose change to their fourth hour. Teachers will put all the coins brought in on their desks, and won’t be allowed to start class until they’ve counted the total value of all the coins. Last year, some teachers were barely able to start class!
Theme: “Happy Camper.”
Events: Major VI, the school’s acapella group, will be performing in the auditorium during third hour. Students who purchased tickets for $3 will be allowed to skip class that hour to watch their show. In addition, students can participate in a prize walk during lunch. For $3, students will have a chance to win gift cards, cakes, and other prizes, with 20 prizes being handed out each lunch period.
Theme: “Green & White.”
Event: As is tradition, Friday will be the yearly Senior vs. Staff Basketball game, with 20 players representing each side. The staff are the reigning champs, so be sure to go out and support your fellow students. Game time is 3:15 p.m. Entry will be $5.

Theo Coimbra is a junior at Novi High School. This is his first year as part of the Journalism Staff. When not doing schoolwork, Theo enjoys cycling, playing...