Email sent to students regarding Schoology glitches

An email went out to students today detailing the issues with Schoology syncing with MiStar. Some students are not able to view semester 1 courses and others may not be able to view new courses from schedule changes.

If this is the case, students are instructed to reach out to the teacher or a friend for the Zoom link. Oakland Schools are working to resolve this hopefully by the end of the week. In the meantime, patience from students is requested. In addition, final Semester 1 grades will be available to students in February 6th, and should be reviewed by February 11th.

If there is a discrepancy in your grades and you would like to submit and RC/NC form, it must be submitted to Ms. Harris in the counseling office, or to her email: [email protected]. These forms are must be submitted by 2pm in February 12th.

Students should also be informed that schedule changes are not permitted after Friday, January 29th, and that there are limited options for schedule changes.